Exercise Scientist Reveals 10 Exercises Men Need to Build Muscle


Renowned fitness expert Mike Israetel shared his top 10 exercise choices for men looking to build muscle in a conversation with Chris Williamson. Israetel emphasized that these exercises may not be scientifically proven to be the most effective, but they are his personal favorites. However, these exercises can still increase muscle-building capability, especially if they are new or haven't been done in a while. Israetel's list includes high bar back squats, standing overhead barbell press, barbell skull crushers, pull-ups (overhand grip), barbell bent rows from a deficit, stiff-legged deadlifts, cambered bar bench press (incline version), dips, super ROM laterals, and seated incline dumbbell curls. It is important to consult a fitness professional for a tailored approach and to find exercises that not only yield results but also motivate and inspire consistent effort in the pursuit of fitness goals.

